Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Slavery Reparations Are Wrong essays

Slavery Reparations Are Wrong essays Ladies and gentlemen: I don't believe that anyone in this chamber would move to disagree with the idea that slavery was an atrocity, committed from the depths of the darkest parts of the human sole. Cruelty is the readiness to give pain to others or lack of concern for their suffering. Pertaining to exactly what the white man did to the black slaves. Slavery was not an institution of neither economical nor a paternalistic system. It was a brutal, inhumane abuse of mankind. Africans were seized from their native land, and sold into lives of servitude in a foreign land. Indeed, it was a tragedy on such a scale that cannot be measured nor quantified. And it is this very notion of tragedy, which speaks to the matter of reparations for slavery. To be quite blunt, reparations, even if they may be deserved, are not feasible under any system or economic tangent. Not only would such an undertaking not remedy the situation, but it would sink Africa and her people deeper into the cycle of poverty and oppression that they have so struggled to free themselves from. While the arguments against reparations may seem shallow or self-serving to advocates of such a system, upon examination, the logistics of what to give, and whom to distribute it to, preclude any potential benefits of such a system of indemnity and requite. The point of the following critique is not to say that Africans were not mistreated, nor that they are not worthy of reparations, but that perhaps reparations are not an adequate solution to this situation, and certainly will only serve to worsen. Aside from any philosophical or idea-based arguments against reparations, there exist a number of logistical barriers to repaying blacks for their suffering. Immediate questions arise in the realm of distribution - it is intuitive that such reparations would be difficult to distribute, much less to decide how much, or where to place the funds or assistance. The question...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Opposition

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Opposition Arguments against Comprehensive Immigration Reform Perhaps the most widely held objection to comprehensive immigration reform is that it is amnesty  for people who have broken the law, and amnesty will only encourage more illegal immigrants to  come into the country. Opponents point to immigration reform efforts during the Reagan administration, the Immigration  Reform and Control Act of 1986, that granted amnesty to illegal immigrants. That reprieve opened  the door to a new wave of illegal migration, opponents say, and so will the plan to allow 11  million illegal residents to stay in the country. But Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., one of the Senates Gang of Eight who helped fashion the  framework for comprehensive reform, makes the case that doing nothing about the 11 million   illegal residents is in itself a de facto amnesty. Because the federal government has no  realistic capability to deport the 11 million, or to incarcerate them, there long-term residence  in the country is virtually assured. Ignoring the problem is a form of amnesty, McCain and other  reformers argue. New Reform Efforts Come With Tougher Conditions Also, unlike the amnesty provision of 1986, 2013 reform proposals impose stringent  requirements on illegal immigrants. They must learn English. They must clear background checks.   They must pay fees and taxes. And they must move to the back of the line, behind those waiting  to enter the country through the legal process. Comprehensive reform is unfair to those immigrants who are playing by the rules.Even many immigrant advocates argue that it isnt right to give the 11 million who entered the  country illegally special status that is unavailable to other immigrants who are going through  the legal process and trying to come here the right way. But President Obamas plan and the one negotiated by the Gang of Eight both require that the 11  millions pathway to citizenship starts behind those already in line. Both plans reject the idea  of expedited treatment for undocumented residents and want to reward those who have been working  their way through the legal system. These illegal immigrants will take jobs from American workers and promote a decline in wages  overall, which is bad for the U.S economy. Study after study and anecdote after anecdote have refuted these arguments. They are both   factually incorrect. First, there are tens of thousands of necessary jobs across the United States that American  workers just will not do at any price. There are also thousands of jobs that go unfilled because   no qualified American worker can be found to do them. Can U.S. Economy Run Without Foreign Labor? The reality is that immigrant labor is essential to filling necessary jobs that make the U.S.  economy run. States that have enacted harsh laws against illegal immigrants have found this out  first hand. Arizona and Alabama, in particular, endured severe damage and costly labor shortages in their agriculture  and tourism industries after passing laws designed to drive illegal immigrants out of the state. Even states without immigration laws are dependent on immigrant labor. In Florida, immigrants  are essential to agriculture and the hospitality industries. Tourism would collapse without  them. Undocumented workers have a negligible impact on the wages of documented workers that work at  the same firm, according to a paper released in March by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.   Documented workers at firms that also employ undocumented workers earn 0.15 percent less or  $56 less per year on average than they would if they worked at a firm that does not employ  undocumented workers, according to the study. In fact, workers in retail and leisure and hospitality actually earn slightly more money when  their firms hire undocumented workers, since having more employees allows them to specialize,  according to the research paper.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Organizational Structure Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Organizational Structure Paper - Essay Example Despite the fact that they vary from one structure to another depending on the organizational objectives, organizational structures determine the particular modes involving the operation and performance of an organization. Considering the significant role played by organizational structures in determining the achievement of organizational objectives, this paper discusses IBM’s organizational structure and the various aspects attributed to it. Organizational structure has two major roles in an organization, in which it provides the foundational structure for establishing the standard operating procedures and routines and how particular individuals get to participate in the decision-making process in an extent of their view to shape the organization in a particular manner (Cordes, 2003). In such, organizational structure allows for the expressed allocation of duties and responsibilities for further actions based on functions and processes to different entities within the organization such as departments, groups, or even to individuals. A particular organizational structure used by an organization determines the organization’s success or failure. Different organizational structures exist for an organization to adopt and implement, depending on the objectives of a particular organization. IBM Inc. on its part works with a matrix organizational structure, which has both a functional and divisional aspects all incorporated into the organization’s operations. As such the functional aspects involves the grouping of individuals depending on their expertise, resources, and experiences to perform specialized tasks, whereas the divisional aspect involves divisions of operation such as product lines and markets, all channeled towards meeting IBM’s goals and objectives (Massa, 1993). Previously, IBM had a flat organizational structure, with little distinction between the executives and the lower-level employees. The matrix organizational

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

QI Plan Part II--Quality Data Collection Research Paper

QI Plan Part II--Quality Data Collection - Research Paper Example A large number of software packages are available in the market for recording daily hospital records. A tool as simple as excel spreadsheet can also be used to handle small amount of transactions for smaller organizations. Databases such as access can also be utilized. This would maintain a daily list of electronic records making it easy to sort, filter and backtrack any information. Health Management information systems (HMIS) can also be used to record and monitor data. This could contain supervisory data, clinic record data, drug stock-outs data, functioning of outreach services and health workers availability. The information could include internal activities, number of beds, daily admissions and discharges, number of causalities and duration of stay. Self administered surveys help in revealing characteristics of the entire population by considering large sample sizes. Many questions can be asked on a given topic and the response to them can be analyzed with flexibility. These surveys eliminate the limitations of self-administered surveys. Personal interviews are an alternative to surveys. The control of the interview is in the hands of the interviewer rather than respondent leading to better response and accuracy. The scope for confusion decreases significantly. Also the interviews are useful in cases where the interviewee is a senior executive or a leader of an organization and doesn’t have time to fill written survey (Data Collection Tools). Focus groups are used to obtain specific information which may not be possible using other methods. The focus group consists of people who exhibit a certain peculiar characteristic. For example, the satisfaction level of heart patient who went through bypass surgery in a hospital can be noted a few months after the surgery by forming their focus group. Focus groups contain 6-12 people generally. This ensures sufficient diversity in the group without compromising on attention to everyone in the group.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Patterns of Dominance Essay Example for Free

Patterns of Dominance Essay The Jews have experienced a number of atrocities in their history. Yet, they are still bound together by their Jewish identity. Although religion plays a crucial role in the lives of Jews, they are best characterized as an ethnic group facing discrimination in a lot of ways in different places. The most extreme form of anti-Semitism had been the expulsion of the Jews from various countries such as England, Spain and Portugal in previous centuries; as well as the execution of the Jews in Germany, more commonly known as the Holocaust. Although religion plays a very important role in the lives and the culture of Jews, they can still be collectively looked at as an ethnic group experiencing discrimination and outright hatred all over the world. Because For one, they still strongly adhere to a common ancestry and lineage. Jews have also managed to protect their collective identity through the years. Other religions embrace a multiplicity of ethnicity and race while the religion of Jews seems to be an extension of their ethnicity. Converts tend to be embraced by the Jewish and integrated into their ethnicity. Patterns of anti-Semitism have changed over time. Gone are the days when governments would enable rules and legislations expressly banning Jews certain rights and privileges in society. Yet, covert discrimination is still felt by Jews, especially in Europe where graffiti and verbal attacks against them proliferate. These forms of â€Å"unofficial† discrimination are more difficult to deal with than the kind which is officially sanctioned by governments (Morris, 2001). Jewish Identity in the United States In the United States, Jews have relatively more freedom as a group of people than in New York. This perception led them to migrate in waves from European countries to the United States since the early nineteenth century. Ironically, there is roughly the same number of Jews in the United States and in Israel. While the Jews represent 80 percent of the population of Israel, in the United States, they only hold two percent of the total population. In addition to this, American society is greatly diverse and Jews have a tendency to be subsumed in the mainstream culture. The American society has welcomed Jews but they are not very interested with their heritage (Langman, 1999). Due in part to the secular nature of American society, more and more Jews are de-emphasizing their Jewish roots and heritage. The American society is also highly individualistic in contrast to the emphasis of Jews on the importance of community and family. As Jews are assimilated more and more by the American society, they tend to rely less on their Jewish tradition and identity. There is less observance of religious activities and less loyalty to the concept of Jewish identity. This is further confounded by an attitude of pluralism and multiculturalism in the United States. Because of these processes, the importance of family in Jewish life cannot be underestimated. As the larger society seeks to integrate and assimilate the Jewish identity, the family remains the bastion of ethnicity socializing young Jews into their identity and enables them to look at who they are and what make them unique as Jews. As they grow up, traditions and Jewish practices are drilled into young Jews so that they understand who they are in the context of a multicultural and highly pluralistic American society. If such influence of the family weakens, then the Jewish identity also weakens. Women’s Position and Oppressed Racial and Ethnic Groups Women have been one of the oppressed and marginalized groups through history. Only recently have they been granted suffrage and equal footing with men in terms of opportunities and privileges in the society. Their situation is different from other marginalized groups in society because women oppression transcends cultures and societies all over the world. In a number of cultures and societies all over the world, women have been considered as second class citizens who cannot enjoy the same level of privileges and rights as men. These rights included access to education, freedom to choose their own lifestyle and directions in life. In addition to these, they have been subject to oppression and assault including sexual harassment and rape, pornography, illicit sex trade, and physical abuse. Women’s experience is different from racial and ethnic minorities because they are oppressed for something that is fundamental to their identity and their sex. In earlier times, they have been considered as the property of men. This experience is similar to the Black slaves who did not have rights in the American society. They were sold and treated like machinery. African Americans have been granted emancipation and their rights as citizens of the United States. Women have been granted suffrage at a later time. Women’s rights is a worldwide phenomenon and most governments have recognized the need to grant women equal rights with men. The difference with ethnic oppression is that they are confined to individual countries. Both of these oppressed minorities, however, still suffer from covert racism brought about by the social systems that favor one group over another. Women’s Rights Movements in the Twentieth Century In the twentieth century, women in the English speaking world have become more active in fighting for equal rights. From issues of suffrage and equal opportunities for work, the women’s rights movement or feminist movement has come to embrace added issues that affect the situation of women in society. Such issues include access to employment opportunities, promotion at work and access to various services at work to accommodate their situation. The issue of abortion and the choice of women in keeping their babies or not is another hotly debated issue in women’s civil rights in the twenty first century. Women’s situation at work is different from men because women go through different life stages and processes that may appear to disrupt their work. They get pregnant and have to file maternity leaves. After that, they also have to nurse their babies and make sure that they grow up. Because of this reason and other systems of overt and covert discrimination, men tend to be promoted to higher positions more than women. In the United States, more women tend to work and this has also affected the American family. For one, women have to look after their work as much as men, yet they also have to be mothers and look after the babies as they grow up. With increasing work demands, it becomes more difficult for women to balance their time with their families. In addition to this, highly driven women may even put their career over their family. Such attitude clashes with the traditional view that women should be at home looking after the kids and how they grow up. In the long run, if the husband will become dissatisfied, then divorce and separation may ensue. Stereotyping of the Aged, People with Disabilities and Gays and Lesbians The tendency for the dominant group in the society is to stereotype marginalized groups in the society. Age people tend to be seen as weak and bordering on being obsolete and anachronistic. This is because they lack the usual energy and technological savvy of younger workers. As a result of this stereotype, they are being replaced by younger employees. People with disabilities on the other hand, tend to generate sympathy but at the same time discrimination. Through the special treatment that shown to them, they are in effect being told that they cannot do the activities and the things that people without disabilities could do. Gays and lesbians, on the other hand, tend to be seen from the dominant moral code in the society. As such, they are judged too often as immoral persons in the society and should therefore be despised. When people despise them, their good side is often disregarded completely. To combat unfair practices at work and in the society, the aged, people with disabilities and gays and lesbians should be mobilized so that they can protect their rights. Of these groups, however, gays and lesbians tend to be the most empowered because they are relatively braver in banding together and fighting for their rights. The aged and the persons with disabilities tend to be silent about their experiences. As such, they cannot effectively fight for their rights. Furthermore, gays and lesbians tend to be more educated in regards to their rights so they have better leverage than the aged and the persons with disabilities in fighting for their rights. The dominant group in the society can make it harder for these people to band together so that they can effectively fight for their rights.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Cannibals and Vampires in Aeschylus and ONeill :: Biography Biographies Essays

Cannibals and Vampires in Aeschylus and O'Neill    Aeschylus and Eugene O'Neill have populated their trilogies with cannibals and vampires. Family members feed off one another both literally and figuratively. For the houses of both Agamemnon and Ezra Mannon, this bloodlust is insatiable and inherited, an inescapable curse. A family curse provides the dramatic force necessary to push characters toward pivotal actions and events. At the conclusion of both trilogies the curse is finally broken (or at the very least supplanted). While O'Neill and Aeschylus articulate the destructive and violent effects of the curse in similar terms, each playwright breaks the curse to achieve distinctly different thematic goals. The curse is described and decentered in order to be critiqued.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Both families attempt to consume themselves. A desire for revenge, to enforce a personal code of justice, carries the family curse from generation to generation. The house of Agamemnon is virtually born out of cannibalism. Tantalus, the founder of the house, is tormented eternally in Hades for feeding the gods the flesh of his sons Pelops. Much later, Agamemnon himself is held accountable for his father's cannibalism by Aegisthus. Aegisthus' desire for revenge is overshadowed only by Clytemnestra's thirst for her husband's blood. She speaks of his corpse as a sacrificial animal and likens his blood to wine. Compelled by Apollo, Orestes also carries the curse. He was fed by his mother's milk as a child but now he will only be satisfied with his mother's flesh. Only Orestes and Electra survive.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Mannon family implodes, leaving only one survivor, Lavinia. The Mannon's self destructive hunger has a sexual tension absent in the Greek trilogy. This incestuous obsession reiterates the self perpetuating nature of their legacy of hatred and violence. They too feed off each others' suffering, yet there is an almost symbiotic need for each member to survive. More like vampires than cannibals, they drain their victims slowly over time. However, no Mannon thrives from this practice. As the action of the play unfolds Ezra and Christine are drained and cast aside. Their deaths, coupled with Orin's death which follows, bring greater suffering to Lavinia not release from responsibility as she might have hoped. Like Orestes she is both an agent and a victim of her family's curse.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Though achieved by different methods, judgment is passed in each play. The family curse will not claim another generation.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Performers tend to have short racers: the attrition rate Is about 20 per cent a year, whether through Injury or simply deciding It is time to retire. How do you renew the talent pool? The solution. Thirty talent scouts are listed on the Cirque website, and many of them are specialists In specific skills, such as sling or gymnastics and acrobatics. Sources of recruits Include the Olympic Games, the Mongolia State Circus and world championship athletics competitions. Auditions, described by Cirque a â€Å"treasure hunting†, are demanding and can last up to two days.After Minimal screening, potential secrets must demonstrate not just technical proficiency but range. After a long audition, dancers must then show their acting, improvisation and singing skills. Once identified as â€Å"Cirque people†, performers' names are added to the Cirque database to await a suitable role. Then the hard work really starts: they are drilled in their new craft at â€Å"boot camps† fo r up to four months before their first performance. Nevertheless, the Cirque â€Å"immersion programmer† aims to bring out the best in an individual.Key to the transformation process are mentors – veterans who guide new artists and get to know them. Cirque describes itself as a â€Å"family†, a â€Å"band of brothers†. Reinvention is a constant theme. Having redefined the traditional â€Å"big top† circus in the 1 sass, Mr.. Illiberal © keeps audiences loyal and attracts new ones by always offering something different. In the 2006 show Love, Cirque du Sole performs to the music of The Battles. A collaboration between Cirque, producer George Martin – â€Å"the fifth Battle† – and his son Giles, Love is still running at The Mirage in Lass Vegas.A new production is nearly always under way. Each show looks for a new theme, so the repertoire ranges from aquatics (O) to The Battles (Love) to martial arts (KS). The lessons. Managers must plan ahead. Hence, scouts are always sourcing new recruits In order to fill anticipated skills gaps. New techniques are developed constantly. Revealingly, acrobat mentor And © Similar, whose innovations Include a new safety line for aerial acrobatics, is not called creative director but research and development specialist.The focus Is also on constantly devising new content In the form of new themes and concepts. For Instance, for K, Mr.. Albert © asked Robert Leafage, the playwright, director and actor, to craft a show around martial arts. The company develops new products (shows) all the time. Because a show takes so long to create – recruiting performers, devising music, costumes and Infrastructure – It looks ahead to develop tomorrows performers and staging today.Cirque By appending audience, Cirque must do two things: continue to come up with spectacular ideas; careers: the attrition rate is about 20 per cent a year, whether through injury or imply decid ing it is time to retire. How do you renew the talent pool? The specialists in specific skills, such as singing or gymnastics and acrobatics. Sources of recruits include the Olympic Games, the Mongolia State Circus and world hunting†, are demanding and can last up to two days. After initial screening, potential recruits must demonstrate not Just technical proficiency but range. After a long artists and get to know them.Cirque describes itself as a â€Å"family', a â€Å"band of circus in the asses, Mr.. Illiberal © keeps audiences loyal and attracts new ones by he repertoire ranges from aquatics (O) to The Battles (Love) to martial arts (K). The in order to fill anticipated skills gaps. New techniques are developed constantly. Revealingly, acrobat mentor And © Similar, whose innovations include a new safety development specialist. The focus is also on constantly devising new content in the form of new themes and concepts. For instance, for K, Mr.. Illiberal © asked Rob ert to create – recruiting performers, devising music, costumes and infrastructure – it

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Music: a Magicful Medicine

Music:A Magicful Medicine Fine arts always have been a good way to express oneself for thousand years. One of them is a magical and a powerful way to affect people,both negatively and positively. Music is not just a way to fun or just an art. Almost everyone loves it,some of them say that they can not live without it. However,above all,music is able to do many things. There are a lot of ways that music effects people. As it was mentioned above, music has both negative and possitive effects on us. But these effects are usually possitive.First of all, and it is the most interesting affect maybe, it can cure diseases. Of course it can not be as effective as pills but it really helps during the cure. Due to the fact that music has an enormous affect on humain brain, it helps Alzheimers mostly and it is used as a rehabilitation. It reduces the worst effect of the disease: it brings back the lost memories. Until today, a lot of patients made a good progress by listening to music. In additi on, music also repairs patients’ brains damage, like ‘Kenny Roger Effect’. It is a vacation that shows how music can repair a human brain. Because songs by country performer Rogers were among the stroke patients’ preferred tunes,we were thinking of calling this the Kenny Rogers Effect. ’ was said in an interview by Dr Soto. And interestingly, Rogers’ songs also provided the greatest benefits, according to some study findings. Another disease which music can be used as a cure is cancer, maybe the most dangerous one ever. Just like in Alzheimer, there are a lot of good examples which can prove music’s effects on cancer. Firstly, it reduces stress and makes people feel more cheerful.We all know that what kind of songs we listen to can change our mood easily, we can suddenly start crying or feeling better just by listening to music. During the cancer rehabilitation, patients’ moods, feelings and thoughts are very important. Music ca n raise patients’ spirit and help them to feel better and less stressful. On the other hand, music is a very good way to learn and understand easily. Because of that, it can be applied education, especially in childhood. Music helps children during their education life. It is a really effective way to make a good progress in education.According to the last researches, children who play a musical instrument are more succesful in their school life than the others. The reason is simple: Playing an instrument makes a lot of parts of your brain work at the same time which is a very beneficial thing,especially for children. By the same token, children who interest in music are also more succesful than the others. There are two benefits of music for children. First, it helps them to understand easily. Today, people goes courses to understand and concentrate quickly. Because by just listening a song (a special song of course) you can do this.Classic music for example is a good altern ative. Listening a song from Beethoven can make your brain waves decelerate and this is one of the ways to improve your brain’s capasity. Another good effect of music is that it can improve intelligence. We all have seen a Mozart cd for babies or children at least for once. It is because there are so many examples of listening classic music can improve babies intelligence especially during the pregnancy. The works of Mozart and Beethoven are famous for mental function, because the frequencies used are very specific and place the mind in highly distinctive states.Studies have repeatedly shown that babies IQ rises by 3-5 points. Classic music also can make the memory stronger –not for just babies for everyone- and a strong memory is a good proof of an intelligence. To sum up, listening to music is just a free-time activity for a lot of people but in fact it is like a magical medicine for us. It has unbelievable effects on our body and brain and today these effects are be ing used as cures for cancer and Alzheimer. In other words, music is like a gift for people. Birnur Sahin Section:22 28/12/12

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Analysis of A Good Man is Hard to Find essays

Analysis of A Good Man is Hard to Find essays Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find" is character driven. First, she introduces the characters in a way that allows the reader to see and understand the character. Yet her use of characterization is more than introducing the character to the reader. She effectively uses her characters to symbolize truth, the human problem which is universal. Through characterization she gives her work vitality, allowing the work to take on a life of its own. In "A Good Man is Hard to Find," O'Connor gives the role of symbolizing truth and the role of adding vitality to the piece through the use of the main character of the story, the grandmother. Flannery O'Connor's characters in "A Good Man is Hard to Find" are amusing and typical of the rural South. However the characters are shallow and seem void of any sort of spirituality. She describes the characters in her stories as "poor, afflicted in both mind and body, [with] little-or at best a distorted sense of spiritual purpose" (Polter). Besides using characterization as metaphors to other things, she successfully uses the technique to make readers feel as if they are in the same room with the person. Her descriptions are not flowery and are woven into the story at the precise point where a trait or physical description should be made known to the reader. She also uses other characters to help paint a picture Examples of characterization of the grandmother that gives the readers a firm view of the person begins in the first sentence of the story, O'Connor introduces the grandmother with, "the grandmother didn't want to go to Florida. She wanted to visit some of her connections in Tennessee. . ." (O'Connor 117). From this passage, O'Connor is introducing her readers to a woman who tries to control the family, but does not. O'Connor also describes the grandmother in the first paragraph though use of dialog. Readers immedi...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Family Relationships Role-Plays English Lesson

Family Relationships Role-Plays English Lesson Using dialogues in class allows students to work on a wide range of skills. Asking students to write up their own role-plays can extend the activity to include written work, creative development, idiomatic expressions, and so on. This sort of activity is perfect for upper-intermediate to advanced level students. This family role-play lesson focuses on relationships between family members. If your students need help developing their family-related vocabulary you, use this exploring relationships vocabulary sheet to provide help. Aim: Consolidate skills through role-play creationActivity: Creation and in-class performance of role-plays related to family relationshipsLevel: Upper-intermediate to advanced Lesson Outline Use this activity as a larger theme-related objective focusing on vocabulary and communication skills related to family relationships.Quickly review the language of compromise. Write helpful phrases and expressions on the board so the students can reference these later in the activity.Pair up students. Ask them to imagine various scenarios that could lead to interesting discussions in the family.Hand out the role-play sheet and ask students to choose a scenario from those provided. If students are not interested in any of the provided role-play situations, ask them to use one of the scenarios they came up with in the warm-up activity.Have students write out their role-play.Assist students checking their grammar, suggesting alternate appropriate phrases and vocabulary.Allow students ample time to practice their role-play. If they can manage to memorize the role-play, the final performance will most likely be much more entertaining and instructive for all involved.Students perform thei r role-plays for the entire class. As a follow-up activity, ask students to choose one of the role-plays they were not involved in and write up a short summary of the conversation. Family Role-Plays Choose a role-play from one of the following scenarios. Write it up with your partner, and perform it for your classmates. Your writing will be checked for grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc., as will your participation, pronunciation, and interaction in the role-play. The role-play should last at least 2 minutes. You are a student at an English institute outside of your country. You’d like your parents to send you some more spending money. Telephone your father (your partner in the role-play) and ask for more money. Your father feels that you are spending too much money. Come to a compromise.You are visiting your cousin (your partner) whom you haven’t seen in a long time. Catch up on all the news from your two families, as well as from your own lives.You are a student who has improved at school, but your mother/father (your partner) doesn’t feel that you have done enough. Discuss together what you can do to improve your grades, but also recognize your increased efforts.You are the aunt/uncle of your partner. Your partner wants to ask you about what life was like with your brother (your partner’s father) when you were both teenagers. Have a discussion about the old times.You would like to get married to a man/woman your parents do not approve of. Have a discussion w ith your mother/father (your partner) about your plans. Try to break the news gently, while still maintaining your desire to get married. You are having a discussion with your husband/wife (your partner) about your son who is having problems at school. Accuse each other of not being a good parent, but try to come to a conclusion that will help your child.You are a technological wizard and have a new idea for a great startup on the internet. Try to convince your father to fund your business with a $100,000 loan. Your partner will be your father who is very skeptical about your idea because he thinks you should be a doctor.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Understanding Challenges In The Third Sector Essay - 5

Understanding Challenges In The Third Sector - Essay Example Gettler (2007) suggests that voluntary organizations play a role in increasing public service delivery but the role of developing volunteer skills is a challenge to many of these organizations. Measurement of potential leaders in these organizations lies in the level of education they hold and not the skills they have acquired over time. Nurturing volunteer skills to produce skilled leaders is a good thing since it will make the provision of services to be efficient due to the involvement of highly skilled personnel. The public should realize that leaders in voluntary organizations do not have to have achieved MBAs to acquire leadership skills. The public has little knowledge on how modern charities work because of the ignorance and assumptions that we create for ourselves. The public should get more information concerning the organizational services offered, the people who work in these organizations and those who are paid and those who are not so as to know the organizational budgets (Gettler, 2007). Reducing the charities’ perception to the public based on warm feelings rather than evidence of good work will help us to understand more on the kind of services provided by the third sector. According to Gettler (2007) charities have a role to play in the public service delivery but not all public services and people need to have a good understanding of where the charities can deliver better services than the public sector and where it cannot. â€Å"It does not matter if the cat is black or white as long as it catches the mouse† Deng Xiao Ping (Evers and Laville, 2004). A leaf should be borrowed from this sayi ng to suggest that it does not matter who delivers the service as long as it is effectively delivered. Growing income and raising funds is one of the major challenges facing the third sector as a whole due to the fact that most organizations want to grow in their incomes since they tend to do